Confined Space Hazards

Confined Space Hazards 

Physical Hazards

Hazardous atmosphere are not the only hazards within confined space.

There are many actual and potential non-atmospheric hazards within confined space like:

  • Mechanical & Electrical Hazards
  • Skin Contact Hazards
  • Limited Access Hazards
  • Slip and Trip Hazards
  • Fall Hazards
Classes of confined space
  • Class A
  • Class B
  • Class C

The classification of any confined space shall be determined only by Trained and Authorized persons.

Class A : IDLH atmosphere (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health). May contain oxygen deficiency, explosive or flammable atmosphere, and concentration of toxic substances

Class B : Space has potential for causing injury if proper safety steps are not followed

Class C : Space has potential hazards, but would not require any special modification of the work                        procedures

Characteristics of confined space 
  • The space must be substantially enclosed.
  • There must be a risk of at least one of the hazards (mentioned earlier) occurring within the space
  • The risk of serious injury from the hazard must be created by virtue of the enclosed nature of the space
  • The potential injury must be serious and be such as to require emergency action to rescue the person involved
Risk Assessment in confined space 

When carrying out a risk assessment it is important to ensure that all risk associated with the hazards are evaluated and controlled 

When carrying out a risk  assessment the following question should be asked:
    • What could be inside the space that would pose a risk?
    • What will be created due to the work carried out in the space?
    • what's outside the space might  pose a risk during the proposed work?
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